Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Have you found a good church yet?"

I (Jessicah) am sure most of you know that I'm not the most religious-type of person. Spiritual, yes. My lack of understanding for other religions has made me stereotype... yeah that really shows my ignorance. For that, I am not proud of.

Last year I accidentally ran in to a college that is founded on the Christian teachings and the character of Jesus Christ. It seems the past few months I find myself curious about the Christian religion and the facts of it. I will not believe something just because I was told that I "should" from a younger age.

I promised myself (after several religious affiliations since the age of like 13ish) I'd never submit to any "religion". I believe in God. I believe Jesus was real. I believe he was crucified for what he fully believed in. The rest; well I'm still searching for my answers.

With the help of my best friend, Jenna, we seemed to have come up with a amateur bible study. One that fits "us" for the time being. We exchange facts about the bible, both new and old testament. It's the history that intrigues me, but I want true history and facts! It is unreal to me how many found artifacts have backed up events in the bible.

I'm not quite sure if I am ready to commit myself to church every Sunday. I do want a place to go to where we are surrounded by positive people. Peace of mind is more important to me than anything. I want my girls to grow up in a loving home that has some kind of foundation to it.

The title to this post is a question that my Grandma has always asked me. :) The answer... well I don't have a straight forward one yet. I will let you know when I do. Right now, it's a struggle between Joe and I to find a happy medium. I've asked him to go with me to church on a Sunday EVENING (he is not a morning person) and he's agreed to this. I told him he can look at it as a "history lesson" since he loves history so much! -Jessicah

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Transitioning from Facebook to Blogger

Facebook was beginning to be more of a chore to keep up with the news feeds, not to mention it was always changing. After reading hundreds of negative status feeds, I finally decided to cut the cord to Facebook. Once Facebook is finished "compiling my information to a PDF" then it will be deleted!

I figure if you want to hear something from me or keep up with our girls, you can just visit here. Therefore, you have a choice to look at my never-ending pictures being uploaded; unlike on Facebook where you're "made" to see at least 10 pictures a day along with "Aren't my kids gorgeous?!" status updates. I can't help it. I love my babies!

Most of the posts on this blog will mainly subject around Alexandra "Lexie" Rose and Beatrix "Bea" Rose, our two bright and beautiful children. There will be a hodge-podge of other things, as well. Right now I'm attending a Christian Apologetics class. Lots of stuff to talk about with that and I plan to make a post in the next week or two.

That being said, please keep in mind I am not a grammar nazi nor do I expect you to be one. My posts will be filled with misspelled words, misplaced punctuations, and many more mistakes.

Enjoy :)
-Jessicah and Joe